Hidden Parameter to XSSđź‘ľ

2 min readSep 11, 2022


Hello everyone! It’s an XSS writeup that you can learn from, quite an odd one. In this blog, I am sharing one of my findings that you all need to concentrate on.

I got this issue from a private program in HackerOne and it's quite interesting.

In this program, I am getting only one domain which has a login page with registration. After registering to the application, I tried to fetch bugs such as csrf, IDOR, SQL, etc but I didn’t find anything interesting.

My last step was to check for XSS, then I started to search for parameters but no results.

I checked the source code in the browser. I started looking for hidden parameters, then I found a parameter named “next”.

I tried injecting XSS payloads into it, but nothing worked.

Then I noticed that this website is built using Angular. I recently read an article about Client Side Template Injection (CSTI). After reading the HackTricks article, I experiment with code injection payloads.

Start with the basic query, which is {{7*7}}. I tried injecting that, but nothing happened. I gave up and tried to log in to the application, but in the URL returned “49”.

I finally got a response. In the following step, I inserted the XSS payload mentioned in Hackarticles for Angular JS.

Woolaaaa….got a pop-up finally..!!

Reported it with POC and showed an impact for cookie stealing that leads to account compromise.


  1. The next parameter should not be controlled by users.
  2. Preferably set httponly cookies so that javascript can not be used to steal cookies.


Never forget to look for hidden parameters in the source code. click view source code and search for “hidden”, “input”, or “var” parameters.

Recommend payload for CSTI:


<input ng-focus=$event.view.alert('XSS')>
<input ng-focus=$event.view.alert('XSS')>



That’s it. See you in the next write-up.

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16:08, 10 Sep 2022: Reported the bug


HackTricks for CSTI



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